Above, A Date in Cornell Basketball History, a scan of the 1978-1979 Media Guide. Below, news and notes for Friday...
- The Syracuse Post Standard discusses Canada's Junior Men's National Team. Cornell's Braxston Bunce is photographed in the story with the 2012 Canadian JMNT.
- Former Cornell basketball radio voice and current Miami Heat broadcaster, Eric Reid, is mentioned in the Florida Sun Sentinel.
- Shonn Miller reportedly had offseason shoulder surgery and is not expected to participate in the Cleveland AmPro Summer League as he did last year. Miller was the AmPro's Defensive Player of the Year. Other Cornell players who could potentially compete in summer leagues include but not limited to:
Jake Matthews (Pittsburgh Basketball Club ProAm)
Nolan Cressler (Pittsburgh Basketball Club ProAm)
Ned Tomic (Cleveland AmPro)
Jamal Cherry (City of Orlando/Midnight Basketball Pro-Am Summer League)
Galal Cancer (Capital District Basketball Association Summer League)
Dwight Tarwater (Rocky Top League, Knoxville, TN)